Those Are Regulars!

Those Are Regulars!
Scott Leading the First Brigade

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Battle of New Orleans - British Units - 3/95th Rifles

 The Third Battalion 95th Rifles

The 95thare a mixture of Warlord and Front Rank. The Warlord metal 95th titled “The Chosen Men” are fourteen superb sculpts that are comparable to my favorite Front Rank figures. There are many unique figures including some prone positions. Although you are unlikely to discern it in the photos, the detail of the officer’s lace is incredible.

The figures are based individually on 20mm squares that have a circular magnetic encased in the bottom. This unit is on open order stands but will fit into skirmish and closed order stands as well. The photos are not the greatest. I really must invest in a proper camera and lighting box.