Those Are Regulars!

Those Are Regulars!
Scott Leading the First Brigade

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Beale's New Orleans Rifle Company

 Major Thomas Beale's Rifle company was composed of well to do "the leading men of the City, and formed of the most respectable material"  merchants, bankers, craftsmen, and a judge. Most of them were excellent marksmen. The majority were Americans and originally from the northeast United States. Ref. The Greatest Fury, pp.69-70.

Uniform Plates

This is R. Marion's portrayal of Beale's Rifle Company uniform contained in Stuart Asquith's The War of 1812: A Campaign Guide to the War with America 1812-1815. Note that the the uniform title is incorrectly titled 'Tennessee Militiaman of Beale's Rifles', which should read New Orleans instead of Tennessee.

This print of Beale's Rifles is taken from The Chalmette Battlefield Visitor Centre.

There were sixty-six men in Beal's company and at 20:1 rounded up to a four man company. Here are the photos of my representation of Beale's New Orleans Rifle Company.

The figures are from Brigade games.

The figures are mounted on 20mm x 20mm magnetized and removable squares.

The company is open order formation as they were not trained to fight in close order.


  1. A very snazzy looking uniform and your brushwork has really done this unit justice!

  2. You are most kind, thanks. Now if I could get the lighting right they would look much better.
