Those Are Regulars!

Those Are Regulars!
Scott Leading the First Brigade

Monday 18 May 2015

Lundy's Lane Session One

Lundy's Lane Session One -Tuesday 5th May 2015
The battle opens at 1900 and continues in ten minute turns until 0050.
At various historical arrival times, both players will roll a 6D to determine a possible earlier arrival of reinforcements with a guaranteed arrival after three turns.

 These are the start positions of elements of LCol Pearson's Light Brigade. In the mid right on the Chippewa/Queenston road, the 19th LDs await further orders while guarding the the left flank. To the west on Lundy's lane are the IMUC, GLI and Lincoln militia with a 6pdr and howitzer on the left and just forward of the meeting house.

 American LDs with N.Y.Volunteer LDs plus a detached light company of BGen Scott's First Brigade recce in advance of the brigade.
 A view to the north and the Light Brigade on top of the Lundy's lane ridge.

 The following photos indicate the positions of troops at the end of session one.
MGen Brown has arrived on the field while the guns of Scott's brigade guard the entrance to the killing zone in front of Lundy's Lane.

 Towson's gun crews look up the Queenston road at Pearson's brigade.

 Surprise! Not adheering to historical convention, Scott's brigade has secretly made its way throgh the the light woods at the eastern end of the battlefield. American skirmishers have driven back Norton's Mohawks to the fence line.

 Drummond's cavalry has moved over to the LL hill top while in the foreground, the 1st Foot supports the 89th just off the photo below. These units of Morrison s Third brigade are securing the British/Canadian left flank from an apparent flanking attack by Scott's brigade.

 British Divisional artillery arrives in the form of a 24pdr gun and the Royal Marine rocket battery. Off to the left Morrison's Third brigade is holding the left flank.

 The 19th LDs struggle up the steep slop of LL hill to address an unexpected American cavalry threat to the British right flank.

Where did they come from!? American dragoons have secretly traversed the dirt farm road through the woods undetected and now threaten the British right flank. Will this daring thrust force the GLI and Lincoln militia into squares, or will the 19th LDs arrive in time to save the right flank. Further, are these American dragoons an advance element of an undetected American brigade sneaking though the woods? All will likely be revealed in next weeks session two.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like an exciting game! How did it turnn out???
