Those Are Regulars!

Those Are Regulars!
Scott Leading the First Brigade

Saturday 1 August 2015

Battle of Lundy's Lane (redux) 26 July, 1814

There was a consensus that we should reply Lundy's Lane with the participants exchanging armies.

The Scenario

In this redux scenario, Scott wisely chooses not to immediately engage (blunder in-to a firefight as in the actual battle) the British on Lundy's Lane hill top, particularly as he is outnumbered. He waits outside of British cannon range and is soon is conversing with Major General Brown. Brown wisely orders Scott to maintain his position and orders up the other two brigades and additional artillery. During the night all three brigades will advance as close as possible to the British lines while avoiding a skirmish between pickets. The U.S. left Division will attack in the darkness just prior to dawn of an early morning...26 July, 1814.

The Game Mechanics

At first, I considered using a curtain across the middle of the table so that each side could place their units in secret. However, the logistics of a dividing curtain was going to be problematic. Instead the following  method using battle table maps for the American players was utilized. players 

The British players, Paul G. and Steve, set up their defensive positions of their brigade units by using red colored unit markers of various sizes not necessarily representative of the size of the unit depicted...fog of war. The markers were showed blank side up with the unit designation on the obverse -hidden. The unit figures were placed on the battlefield when it was been spotted by an enemy unit. 

In the mean time Paul M and Rod go upstairs to plan their attack (Rod has a cunning plan). They mutually agree that Rod will command (Brown) and Paul M. will control Scott's First Brigade along with all of the meager American cavalry. After agreeing on a plan of attack both players mark the positions of all of their units on two prepared maps. Coincidentally, the British players state their readiness to start just as Rod and Paul M. finish plotting all of the American units onto the maps...good timing. The American players head down to the war room and plot their blue unit marker sheets onto the battlefield table. The system worked well as it led to a few surprises and certainly added an air of unpredictability to the respective offensive and defensive positions.

The Time Line -Victory Conditions - Orders of Battle

The following tables show the time line of ten minute turns using General de Brigade rules with its growing addendum of War of 1812 specific subsets, the victory conditions and special rules regarding night movement and use/or non use of the Grand River Indians; the American OOB and lastly the British/Canadian OOB.

The first three turns take place in darkness, so visibility is only 12".

 This is a view looking down Lundy's Lane from west to east. Most  of the following shots were taken at the end of turn two. Scott's First Brigade is on the right moving up the slope to attack the 1st Foot on Lundy's left.
On the bottom of this photo the PLD and 19th LD.

 On the American right flank in the woods, the Canadian Volunteers are skirmishing with the Grand River Indians. The GR Indians have inflicted a casualty. Hmm re the dice roll rules the GRN are not supposed to be engaged. I must correct this on our next evening.

 Again on the right flank the Fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers center have been in a fire fight with the IMUC - center top. The 5th together with Capt Biddles's 12 pdr (left of 5th) have inflicted heavy casualties on the IMUC forcing them to withdraw.

 To the left of the 5th Penn, Biddles 12 pdr and the Sappers are engaged with Norton's Mohawks in the building. The Mohawks put a good fight but are down to 50% (2 figures) --still they pass their morale test and hold onto the building.
Capt Douglas and his 18 pdr (bottom left) has caused casualties to the GLI (top center) forcing it to skillfully withdraw to avoid possible annihilation.

 To add insult to injury Norton's Mohawks roll Double D6 when firing into the flank of the U.S.21st. forcing it to FALTER. Also, BGen Ripley (bottom right) is lightly wounded goes to rear to get medical attention.
To the left of the 21st, the 23rd is marching up the hill when out of the darkness the flash of a 24 pdr canister salvo rips into it, causing four casualties. Nonetheless, the 23rd passes its morale test.
The advance of the American Second brigade is blunted.

 A view from the British left flank. A decimated IMUC has wisely withdrawn in the face of the 5th Penn and Capt Biddle's 12 pdr fire.

 To the right of the IMUC Capt Machlachlane's 6 pdr supports the right flank of the IMUC while to its right the GLI are withdrawing.

 At the west end of the battlefield on LL, the 19th LD square of with the amalgamated American LDs while Scott's Brigade (right) looks on.

On the American left flank, Scott's Brigade advances up the hill. The 1st Royal Scots fore at the American 22nd.

For the next session there will be one more turn of darkness then the dawn will increase the visibility to 24 inches. The guns will become deadly.

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